Gorgeous artist materials.
contemporary art by local artists.
We are so here for you!
Indulge your inner artist.
On The Spot Membership: A Year of Painting
We're super excited to invite you to become a 2025 “On the Spot” member!
Have you always wanted to paint? The focus this year is to get you started painting, and love it! You start with a custom kit including the essentials you need to get started. Your 12 months begin when you do!
Members will then receive a new art supply every month, plus
Deep Dive Demos
10% off your ARTspot purchases
A “Paint Party” evening, and
"On the Spot " exclusive deals just for you.
A $430 Value for $225.99
12 months of Giveaways & Perks
Winsor & Newton: Cotman Watercolors Now Available
15% discount on Cotman 21 ml tubes, March 1-31
You asked for it, so we now have nearly 40 new colors from the highly respected line of beginner-friendly color collection from Winsor & Newton. These affordable paints are perfect for beginners, students, and hobbyists.
Edmonds Art Walk: Kay Eaton
March 20, 5 pm - 8 pm
Kay has created abstract art inspired by nature, using illustration pens to capture intricate details through bold and expressive lines.
Deep Dive Demo: Color Mixing Primer
March 20, Noon-1 pm
Warm and Cool of the Primaries are the key to getting the colors you want. This demo will let in you in on some very useful and straightforward mixing basics.
NEW! ARTspot Workshops
Make a painting. Have fun. Learn some cool art stuff.
A Paint Party with Tracy is designed to be fun and to teach some real painting skills. You will arrive to a canvas, paints and brushes set up for you. Tracy will take you step by step. You will enjoy seeing the magic of color unfold on your canvas. Everything included for $125
Click here for more information and to sign up!
Stay up to date on our latest workshops & events!
Upcoming Events
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other “un-talented folks”. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other “un-talented” folks. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
Free Sketching Demo with Tracy Felix! Tips and techniques to improve your drawing skills on the go. We host a free Sketching Demo every First Saturday of the month!
Join us for Urban Sketching around Downtown Edmonds. Free artist meet-up. We meet at ARTspot, then head out on foot to a fun drawing adventure.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other un-talented folks. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
ARTspot always has something interesting cooked up for the Third Thursday Art Walk each month, year round, always 5pm - 8pm.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other un-talented folks. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other “un-talented folks”. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other “un-talented” folks. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
Free Sketching Demo with Tracy Felix! Tips and techniques to improve your drawing skills on the go. We host a free Sketching Demo every First Saturday of the month!
Join us for Urban Sketching around Downtown Edmonds. Free artist meet-up. We meet at ARTspot, then head out on foot to a fun drawing adventure.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other un-talented folks. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
ARTspot always has something interesting cooked up for the Third Thursday Art Walk each month, year round, always 5pm - 8pm.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other un-talented folks. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other “un-talented folks”. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other “un-talented” folks. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other un-talented folks. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
Free Sketching Demo with Tracy Felix! Tips and techniques to improve your drawing skills on the go. We host a free Sketching Demo every First Saturday of the month!
Join us for Urban Sketching around Downtown Edmonds. Free artist meet-up. We meet at ARTspot, then head out on foot to a fun drawing adventure.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other un-talented folks. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
ARTspot always has something interesting cooked up for the Third Thursday Art Walk each month, year round, always 5pm - 8pm.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other “un-talented folks”. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
Bad at art? Who cares! Come express your creativity and hang out with other “un-talented” folks. We’re hosting a mini maker’s space at ARTspot. A weekly place where people can come together and work on art projects.
Free Sketching Demo with Tracy Felix! Tips and techniques to improve your drawing skills on the go. We host a free Sketching Demo every First Saturday of the month!
Join us for Urban Sketching around Downtown Edmonds. Free artist meet-up. We meet at ARTspot, then head out on foot to a fun drawing adventure.
ARTspot always has something interesting cooked up for the Third Thursday Art Walk each month, year round, always 5pm - 8pm.
Free Sketching Demo with Tracy Felix! Tips and techniques to improve your drawing skills on the go. We host a free Sketching Demo every First Saturday of the month!
Join us for Urban Sketching around Downtown Edmonds. Free artist meet-up. We meet at ARTspot, then head out on foot to a fun drawing adventure.

Click Here to order a gift certificate. We can mail it to you or the recipient!
We love setting you up for success when gifting the creative person in your life! What to get them? ARTspot gift certificates allow them to get what they really want and need.
We appreciate your support soooooooo much!! The artspot staff: ziggy, Tracy, Bryn, Vincent, Georgia, Grace & Chuck.
Join our mailing list!
Want to stay in the know about ARTspot? Sign up below to receive a monthly email with sales, free demos and invitations to artsy events!

Check Out the new Artspot blog every monday!
A Day in the Life of an art supply store seeks to pull back the curtain on what it’s like to run a small art store in downtown edmonds and explore some amazing stories from the history of art supplies.
We keep blog entries concise at 500-600 words for a quick, two-minute read. Have you ever wondered why pencils look the way they do? What makes the colors we see all around us? Why Ziggy wears roller skates at work every day? The origin story of the Teeny Weenie Gallerini mounted on our storefront? Week by week, all shall be revealed!
Click here to start reading

Masks required during the last hour of the business day
Introducing “Safe Shop Hours”
Mon-Sat 5pm - 6pm
Sun 3pm - 4pm
We are continuing our effort to provide a safe shopping environment for those who need it. Masks are required for all staff and patrons during the last our of our business day.
Masks are still encouraged, but not required, during the rest of our business hours.
Thank you so much to everyone for supporting our small business!