On December 10th ARTspot is co-hosting a free (with registration!) demo of Golden products with Barbara De Pirro, you can read more and register for the 12/10 workshop from her website: https://depirrostudio.blogspot.com/2024/10/upcoming-golden-events.html
The even will be hosted at @artworks_in_edmonds on Dayton Street, see you there!
#downtownedmonds #goldenacrylics #mixedmedia
We did it! We reached our goal for 200 donations of art supplies for @washingtonkidsintransition !
Thank you to everyone who donated for the giving tree. Your donation will help spark our future artist's creativity with new art supplies for the holidays.
#artspotedmonds #adayinthelifeofanartstore #downtownedmonds #artspot #anedmondskindofday #loveedmonds #shoplocal #shopsmall #givingtree
It's getting chilly outside! What better way to do some drawings while staying cozy at your own home. Tracy will demo techniques on how to draw interior spaces and objects.
Demo starts at noon on December 7th. Be sure to stop on by for our last demo of 2024! 😄
#artspotedmonds #adayinthelifeofanartstore #downtownedmonds #artspot #anedmondskindofday #loveedmonds #shoplocal #shopsmall #EdmondsSketchers
Our gallerini is full with beautiful tiny art! ❤
#artspotedmonds #adayinthelifeofanartstore #downtownedmonds #artspot #anedmondskindofday #loveedmonds #shoplocal #shopsmall #teenieweeniegallerini
It's not just #smallbusinesssaturday it's also the last weekend to contribute to @washingtonkidsintransition gift drive at ARTspot 🌟 we have just a little ways to go to meet our most ambitious goal yet, so help make the holidays a bit brighter for a kid in need!
#art #artsupplies #artspotedmonds #artspot #edmonds #downtownedmonds #smallbusiness #shopsmall #charity #donations
We have some beautiful artwork at the gallerini
Lots of shiny and creative pieces. We love our local artist 😊
#artspotedmonds #adayinthelifeofanartstore #downtownedmonds #artspot #anedmondskindofday #loveedmonds #shoplocal #shopsmall
Happy Thanksgiving! We're closed on Thursday tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great night, we'll see you on the weekend! 🦃
#artspotedmonds #happythanksgiving 🦃🦃🦃
Shop your favorite local business this Saturday in downtown Edmonds.
Artspot is thankful to all our customers who support our family-owned business. ❤️
Come see what we got on December 30th. We're always happy to help you find that gift for the artist in your life (or for you!) 🥰
#smallbusinesssaturday #loveedmonds #shopsmall #shoplocal #downtownedmonds
#artstore #artspotedmonds

Congratulations to Gina for being this month's goodie bag winner! 🥳
Sign up for our monthly goodie bag drawing anytime you visit Artspot. It's absolutely free! You could be next month's lucky winner and grab some great art swag.
#adayinthelifeofanartstore #downtownedmonds #artspot #artspotedmonds #artstore #loveedmonds #shoplocal #shopsmall
Join us tonight for First Dibs! We're open until 8 pm and offering artsy stickers with any $30 purchase at Artspot. It's the perfect time to buy some art supplies holiday gifts for the artist in your life 😍
Tickets for the wine drinking of First Dibs are still available before 5pm today. https://edmondsdowntown.org/featureslisting/its-time-to-get-first-dibs/
#artspotedmonds #adayinthelifeofanartstore #downtownedmonds #artspot #anedmondskindofday #loveedmonds #shoplocal #shopsmall #firstdibsedmonds