ARTspot is the official drop-off location for Edmonds Art Festival Miniatures. We are getting a few questions coming in asking for advice about how to prepare the paintings for digital entries and also for hanging
Q. How do I enter my artwork in the Edmonds Art Festival?
A. Click this link… you will be on your way!
Q. Should framing be included in the photos she's submitting? (Her photographer cropped out the frames and made jpegs of only the art. She wants the frames in because she spent money on them.)
A. First, never include the frame in images for a juried art show, no matter how much you love that frame don't include it unless it is considered part of the actual image. Including frames in images makes artists look amateur.
Q. What constitutes "suitable for hanging", especially with small pieces? Does a gallery-depth 4x4 have enough space for a hang-wire?
A. Everything needs a wire and yes, even tiny paintings can have little eye screws with a tiny wire.Q Is there a contact person that can answer her questions.
Q. How do I prepare digital images for the Art Festival? Digital images are required. Digital
jury images must be submitted as RGB jpegs (.jpg). Pixel dimensions must be 1920 pixels on the longest side at a minimum 72 dpi. Minimum file size is 100 kB, maximum file size is 3.0 MB. Images exceeding the required file size will be rejected. Artists must register ONLINE at www.
A. Here is a link with a step by step to photograph and prepare the Jpegs for miniature :
If you do not have access to these programs, seek out a person in your family or in the community to hire. Click this link for two names of people you can hire to create your jpegs:
It is doable! ...and the way juries shows are done now. Go for it. You will be glad you did.
….the gang at ARTspot