Stop the "I'm BORED" comments in their tracks!

by Angela Bandurka

Recently, ARTspot employee and instructor, Mona Fairbanks, decided to come up with a go-get-'em plan: let's think up some fun, family adventures and then blog about them!

It was a brilliant plan. She got her family and friends involved in some creative endeavors that they then shared with the world via blogging - not only did it get them motivated, it also set up a little extra incentive to actually achieve their goals :)

Their seventh adventure this summer is a fun one: from garden to table. A plan to grow food, source other food from local suppliers/friends, create entertainment for viewing during this supper together with neighbors and have art created to spruce up the space a little. Sound daunting? Well you can see exactly how much fun they've been having by checking out their blog:

They've been having so much fun, in fact, that My Edmonds News has been following them :)

Doesn't need to be too fancy, just set up a goal for yourselves and then execute it! You can set your own expectations, and you can go easy on yourself. We're here to help!