This show is open to all past and present participants in the No Talent Art Club. We’ve been so impressed with the work of all you allegedly untalented artists that we wanted to feature your art in the front window of ArtSpot this November! We know that not everyone will be comfortable showing their work, but we encourage all participants to value their work regardless of what point you may be at in your journey as an artist and as people who like to make art.

Submission Requirements

  • You must attend at least one meeting of the No Ta”lent Art Club (for free every Friday at ArtSpot 6:00-8:00pm)

  • 2-D submissions may be no larger than 9x12” (If 2-D submissions are unframed, we will do our best to display them elegantly and thoughtfully)

  • 3-D submissions must be no larger than one cubic foot

  • Work must be submitted online no later than Sunday, October 27.

  • Accepted work must be dropped off at the store no later than Friday, Nov 1. Accepted work must be picked back up November 29 or 30

    Although this show will not be juried based on strict quality of the work submitted (that’d defeat the whole point!), we may not be able to accommodate all submissions based on size and number of other submissions. Also goes without saying we can’t display anything explicit and such; just, like, use your best judgement.

    Due to the nature of this process, we recommend making your submission as early as possible in case our space fills up fast. If or when we run out of space, we’ll let folks know submissions are closed.

Please complete the form below to participate