“A master of Sumi watercolors and inks, Yuming Zhu’s artwork will captivate you with elegant paintings that feels like a poem with each brushstroke.”
Originally from Shanghai, China, Yuming Zhu began to study under the painting masters at his early age. Later he started to write poems and joined college poetry society. In 1991, Yuming earned his MA from Sonoma State University in US. Yuming blends the styles of the East and West, poetry and life phenomenon into his art. Capturing the light and darkness of the European masters while combining the familiar and textured brush strokes found in Sumi watercolors, Yuming likes to leave white spaces as background painting and emphasis on Spiritual Charming in his painting. “Sometimes I don’t know I am painting or writing a poem.” “When people ask me, what I paint, I say I paint Music.”
Yuming describes his style as “Trans-ism”. It is emotive Transformation of Lyrical Impression and Idealistic Expression. “Through my art, I am trying to portray, be more accurate, to question and search the truth of our spiritual and earthly world by creation a poetic language of emotional expression.” He held several solo and group exhibitions in the States. He also teaches at Bellevue College and is an active member in several artists’ associations in the area. Yuming had been selected as 50 Emerging artists by Art Business Magazine. He was invited to demo Chinese painting for the tape “Five Thoughts of Asian Art” by Seattle Art Museum and KCTS channel 9. He was invited as an artist participating in the movie series “The Man In The High Castle” which be nominated as the best production for EMMA.