2015 ARTspot Creativity Challenge / 25 Participating Artists Were:
Bill “Fireball” Ball
Angela Bandurka
Kim Brayman
Whitney Buckingham
Kim Caldwell
Cantu Chris
Jeanne Dail
Jennifer De Mello e Souza
Jeff Galbraith
Victoria Galbraith
Delores Haugland
Jane Gonzalez
Carmel Gregory
Kathleen A. Johnson
Autumn Kegley
Marie Kirkman
Ruth Lee
Julia Lowe
Michele McGraw
Chris Minor
Mike ODay
Heather Pasqualino
Julie Perrine
Sue Robertson
Anne Ryan
Patricia (Pat) Warner
Barbara Wyatt
Lee Zimmerman
Juror’s Awards
Win Bainbridge, Juror
Impressive Body of Work: Delores Haugland Tabletop Easel
Strong Voice as an Artist Mike O’Day Art Supplies
Excellent Use of Color Kim Caldwell Art Supplies
Classic Beauty Chris Cantu Art Supplies
Great Composition Delores Haugland, Painting #24 Art Supplies
Technical Skill as an Artist Autumn Kegley Gamblin Fast Matte Oil Paints & Stainless Steel Brushwasher
Innovative Use of Materials Heather Pasqualino Gedeo Resins by Pebeo
Juror’s Favorite Individual Piece Jeff Galbraith, Painting #19 Strathmore Journal
Playful & Original Idea Lee Zimmerman Strathmore Frame Cards and Art Tiles
Hanson Scott Gallery Award Carmel Gregory Gift Certificate to ARTspot, Awarded by Lynn Hanson Scott
Cole Gallery Award Jane Gonzalez Art Supplies, Awarded by Denise Cole
ARTspot Awards
Brave Beginner Pat Warner Golden Paint Company Art Apron
Favorite Series Christopher Minor Acua Printmaking Inks
Golden Award Kim Brayman Set of Golden Acrylic Paints
Last Minute Push Whitney Buckingham Art Supplies
Favorite Individual Piece Chris Cantu, Painting #1 Art Supplies